N75 IC Protector 2.7A ICP-N75

Price: Canadian $0.99 (US $0.77 Approx.)

✓ N75 IC Protector 2.7A 50V

The IC Protector (ICP) is an over current protection device having
stable and high-speed circuit tripping characteristics which enable
these devices to shut-off the circuit quickly and safely.
This quick shut-off response protects valuable semiconductor
devices and circuits from common load short-circuit failures.

✓ IC Protector N75
✓ Current: 2.7 Amp.
✓ Voltage: 50V
✓ Operating Temperature: -55 to +125
✓ Case Style: N-type Package
✓ Price is Per One ICP.
✓ Condition : NEW
✓ Application: Overcurrent Protection.
✓ Errors are subject to correction.
✓ Pictures shown are for illustration purpose only.