KTC3198 Transistor C3198 NPN 50V
Price: Canadian $0.69 (US $0.51 Approx.)
✔︎ C3198 Transistor KTC3198 NPN 50V
✓ Marked C3198 instead of KTC3198
✓ KTC3198 NPN Transistor
✓ Voltage: 50V, Current: 0.3A
✓ Wattage: 0.4W
✓ Equivalent to 2SC2674 Transistor
• Price is Per One Transistor.
✓ Condition : NEW
✓ Brand : KEC™
✓ Errors are subject to correction.
✓ Picture shown is for illustration purpose only
☞ Don't be disappointed - Trust only original semiconductors !