2SB1237 Transistor B1237 Rohm

Price: Canadian $1.68 (US $1.30 Approx.)
✔︎ 2SB1237R Transistor B1237
✓ 2SB1237R PNP Transistor
✓ PNP, 32V, 1A, 1W Transistor
✓ Sony 5-872-902-25 Transistor
✓ Alpine 48E21999S01 Transistor
✓ Marked B1237 instead of 2SB1237
• Price is Per One Transistor.
✓ Condition : NEW
Brand :
✓ Condition : NEW

✓ Errors are subject to correction.
☞ Don't be disappointed - Trust only original semiconductors !